I'll Be There
Will you be attending this year's reunion?
Where? |
When? |
What? |
Inn at 835 835 South Second Street Springfield, IL 62704
Phone: 217-523-4466
Website: InnAt835.com (They do have a few very nice rooms for overnight.)
Saturday, October 10, 2020
6:00PM: Cocktails 6:30-8:00PM: Cold & Hot Food Stations 8:00PM-11:00PM: Dance/Sing Along with a 60's DJ
Cost? $50 per person (PREPAID. Walk-Ins will be welcome as long as the room will accommodate the number of people.)
Payment should be made by check and sent according to registration form instructions.
Dress? Business casual
You should? Fill out our form, listed below.
Fill out our form to let us know either way!
Who will be there?
I'll Be There - 55 Year Reunion
Classmates attending the dinner